HTML Table Tags

HTML Table tag is used to display tabular data.

Lets start with the basic syntax for tables.


<table  border="1">


The border attribute of the <table> tag draws a border around the table, without the border attribute only the data will be displayed.

The tags of table is explained below using table.

I used CSS to style the table below, the table in the above example will be displayed normally.

Opening Tag Closing Tag Description
<table> </table> Marks the start and end of the table
<tr> </tr> Marks the start and end of the table row
<td> </td> Marks the start and end of a single cell

Table Tags


<table  border="1">
<caption>Table Tags</caption>
	<td colspan="2">Row4,Column2</td>
	<td rowspan="2">Row5,Column1</td>


The tags of table is explained below using table.

Opening Tag Closing Tag Description
<caption> </caption> It defines the caption of the table and should be specified right after <table> tag. The value will appear above the table in the browser as default.
<thead> </thead> It is the table header, it will appear as the first row no matter where you write this code inside the <table> </table> tags.
<tfoot> </tfoot> It is the table footer, it will appear as the last row no matter where you write this code inside the <table> </table> tags.
<th> </th> It is also the table header, the difference is that it will appear wherever you want and will appear in bold.

Colspan Attribute: It is same as combining two or more columns together, try the code for practical experience.

Rowspan Attribute: It is same as combining two or more rows together, try the code for practical experience. If you need more table tag attributes, click this link HTML Table Attribute

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