Gumby Framework Tutorial

Gumby is one of the popular front end framework in the world that gives rapid and flexible front-end development. It provides lot of html, css and javascript plugins for creating websites.

This tutorial is divided into three sections such as gumby grid system, basic components and JS components.

In this twitter bootstrap tutorial, I am going to use real time examples to make it easier for beginners. I will explain every step in detail, even a complete beginner can become a professional with in few days.

Grid System

In gumby grid, row classes create horizontal rows and column classes create final structure of grid. It provides a responsive and fluid-fixed grids that means it varys based on the resolution of the screen, or the size of the window.


Gumby Components

Gumby components provide buttons, indicators, buttons, tables and navigations that allow to change button size, color, ui and corners.


Gumby JS Components

Gumby framework provides Toggles and Switches, Retina Images, Drawers, and Modal using Gumby js files.


Step by Step Examples

In this section, we are going to create a website with different components. You will learn how to create complex websites using this example.

In this example, we have designed Tourist Spot Website with step by step procedure. We explained this website by following steps.

  1. Creating Home Page
  2. Creating Service Page
  3. Creating About Us Page
  4. Creating Contact Us Page
  5. Creating Completing Website

Next Lesson > Gumby Grid System