CSS Examples

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use CSS to make HTML tables look better.

Since this is beginners section, only tables are used. Real time examples are used in the advanced section.

At the end of this tutorial the table will look like this.

Firstname Lastname Age
Samara Miller 20
Allen Scarlet 25
Samara Miller 20
Allen Scarlet 25
Table with out CSS

CSS Example



The CSS applied to the table is given below.


table { 
		width: 100%; 
tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
		background: #eee;
th { 
		background: #332; 
		color: white; 
td, th { 
		padding: 6px; 
		text-align: left; 


Code Explanation
Selector Property Value Description
table width 100% Sets the table width to match its background element.
tr:nth-of-type(odd) background #eee Sets the background of the odd numbers table rows(1,3,...)to #eee.
th color white Sets the text property of the table header to while.
td padding 6px Creates a small space of 6px around the text in every table cells.

Next Lesson > CSS Box Model